All I can say is wow. I have arrived in a totally different world, and I think I am going to like it. A lot.

My travels started at 2:30 am on August 25. After about 2 hours of sleep I woke up with out feeling tired because of how excited I was. I made sure I had everything I needed, packed up the car and my parents brought me to MSP airport. We made it through our goodbyes with out any tears. I am surprised I made it through so strongly (not sure how my parents did once they made it to the car (: ). As we walked into the airport I told my parents that once I was in the security line they had to leave, I didn't want to keep looking back at them, I figured that would make it harder than it needed to be. I made it through security and sat around at my gate for what seemed like the longest time. Finally we boarded the plane and made our way to Detroit. Having a 3 hour layover in Detroit wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I ate a nice breakfast at a little diner in the airport by myself. I don't know if I could ever get used to eating alone at a restaurant. I only had a few people ask me if I worked at the airport.... I had to hold back a laugh whenever it happened. It came time to board the plane, find my seat and introduce myself to the people I would be sitting next to for the next 14 hours. I sat in the middle of two Americans, I was kind of disappointed that I wasn't sitting by a korean or someone from somewhere other the the US of A. But, both of my seat mates were very nice. The girl sitting next to me is a East Asia studies major and is spending the year in Japan. I had a few very interesting conversations with her but spent most of my time watching movies, reading and nodding in and out of sleep. I didn't run into any problems during either of my flights, which was a relief. I landed around 3pm August 26th. I made my way through customs and was then greeted by my host mother (Omma), Host brother and Grandmother as well as a few Rotarians. I couldn't stop smiling. I think I was just so excited to finally be starting my year. My Omma doesn't speak english but luckily I have my host brother as a translator for a little while before he leaves for the US to finish high school. My Appa, or father is away on business so I have not met him yet and my host sister is in Mexico on exchange.

My first day was quite uneventful. We headed home from the airport, stopped for some dinner at a small korean restaurant which was a very good first meal in Korea, then dropped my Grandmother off at her apartment before heading to our own. The drive from the airport was about and hour and half. All I could do on the way to my new home was try to imagine what the apartment looked like. I was pleasantly surprised to find a very beautiful apartment on the 11th floor with wood floors, large windows over looking the rest of the many tall apartment buildings in my area. It is a very comfortable environment and I know it will become home very quickly. I soon realized how tired I was and headed to bed at 8. I quickly fell asleep and then woke up at 630 the next morning. In the middle of the night I went into the bathroom, did my business and then for the next 15 minutes tried to figure out how to work the toilet. Have you ever seen and electric toilet with buttons all in a different language? After pressing every button on the control panel, I gave up and figured I could just ask in the morning. I ended up googling how to work the toilet, there is a handle on the side, right where it would be on a regular toilet. When I finally realized this I felt stupid for not looking in the most logical place. I had a good laugh at myself. Turns out the other buttons are for the bidet, which I do not plan on using, I am worried I will break it by pressing the wrong buttons or find myself soaked because I can't figure out how to stop the spraying water.

My second day was very relaxing. After a small breakfast of an egg sandwich with bell peppers, ketchup, mystery sauce and tomatoes, my brother took me to my school and showed me which buses and trains to take. At the school we ran into another exchange student taking a tour, who is from France. It was nice to finally see another person who was going through the same feelings as me. It takes about an hour or so for me to get to school, hopefully I will not get lost on my first day alone. I have a feeling I will be waking up quite early to catch the bus and train in time to make it to school by 7:30. After returning, we ate a simple lunch of ramen, MMMMM (: I am glad I knew how to use chopsticks (for the most part) before I came here, otherwise I would feel even more like a fool, dropping more food than I already do. We spent the rest of the day laying around, watching korean tv, reading and eating snacks. I found my self nodding off while laying on the couch, I hadn't realized that I was still so off because of the time difference. My brother had told me he needed to "meet up with friends" so it was just me and my Omma for dinner. She had prepared a special birthday soup made with seaweed. I am not going to lie, I took one bite and didn't touch it again. I felt bad that I didn't eat more of it but I couldn't force myself. My Omma then realized how tired I was and called my brother telling him to run home quickly! He showed up with a small bouquet of roses and a small birthday cake. I was so surprised by the flowers and cake that I forgot how tired I was for a few minutes. We took a few pictures, they sang happy birthday and finally sent me to bed at 9.

And now, my third day in Korea and I wish I knew more Korean so I could talk with my Omma with out using hand gestures and my brother as a translator, but in time I will be able to. We have been sitting in front of the tv all morning watching the news about the typhoon that is heading our way. We have put newspaper up on the windows and now we just have to wait it out. The wind is picking up and every once in a while there is a loud snapping sound coming from who knows where.
Once the weather clears I will go with my Omma to get my school uniform and hopefully see a little more of the area I am living in. I feel like I have so much more to say but I will wait to talk more about the little things in my next post. As for now, I am doing well and am excited for everything to pick up so I can stay busy!
Helping my Omma make lunch
HI Calina! Hank here, enjoying your Blog (Finally!)...especially the part about doing your 'business'! :) I love your detailed discriptions of everything, and am glad to see/hear you are smiling! I can't wait to read more, but I wanted to say "Hi" and "Hang in there!"