They have started. They are one of the hardest things to get through but it has to be done. I started my goodbyes today, my best friend leaves on friday for an amazing year in Brazil and of course I just happen to be going out of the state the whole week before she leaves. But this goodbye is just a see you later. I have to keep reminding myself that I will see these people again, in just one "short" year. The hardest goodbyes that are yet to come are the goodbyes I will have to say to my new family and friends in Korea. There is a chance that I will never see them again, I think I can wait for that feeling. But I shouldn't be thinking about that yet, I need to look forward to the amazing year that is ahead of me.
I leave around the 25th of August, getting to Korea on the 26th, which just happens to be my birthday. I haven't decided if that is a good thing or not yet, I'm sure I will be welcomed very warmly but will I be homesick even more because it is my 19th birthday?? I will let you know how it goes after the fact.
Age works differently in Korea. They count based on the year you are born. I was born in 1993 so I will be 20 when I arrive in Korea and will be 21 at the new year. A 21 year old in the 11th grade?... yeah its happening. Can you say super super senior? Age set aside, I think it will still be an amazing school year filled with lots of learning and sleeping through classes.
Being a month out from departure and my closest friends leaving within the week, I expect to have some much needed down time to get ready to go. I will have time to figure out more gifts to bring with me and to figure out what clothes I am going to bring and how much. I have been told by many people that I will have a hard time finding clothes that will fit me. Compared to the average Korean I am a giant, and unless I am near the army base (luckily I am) , I think everything will be a tight squeeze.
As of now it is just the waiting game, watching all of my best friends leave before me is hard, even my friends leaving for college are heading out before me but in the end I know everything will work out. With about month to go I am feeling good. I am not too nervous yet, which I hope that doesn't hit me until I am already landed in Korea and I look forward to spending a year of my life living in a totally different culture.
Until next time!
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